LEGAL templates FOR CREATIVE entrepreneurs

In 20 minutes or less


Does this sound like you?


“I’m overwhelmed by legal stuff and don’t know where to start…”


“My clients are really annoying because they keep changing their mind…”


“I’m afraid of getting sued…”

If you answered yes to any of theSE statementS, then you’ve come to the right place!

Imagine if you could…

  • Get paid consistently and on time 

  • Have clear expectations with your clients about what your job duties are

  • Have peace of mind knowing your business was legally protected

  •  Not have to worry about your confidential info going to competitors

  • Limit your liability if you ever did get sued

  • Not have to spend thousands of dollars on a custom contract to be protected

Are you ready to legally protect your business?

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Hi! I’m Berkley.

I help creative entrepreneurs protect their online businesses from expensive legal issues with quality contract templates.

I’ve spent the last seven years as a business attorney, fighting over poorly drafted contracts, while writing a legal lifestyle blog on the side. I’ve met tons of female business owners who feel completely overwhelmed by the legal side of running a business. That’s why I’m all about making it simple. I know from first-hand experience how devastating it can be to a business if you are not protected. My goal is to give entrepreneurs like you legal peace of mind in about 20 minutes.

Quality Legal Templates



Shop by FIELD



Do you own a business that hires influencers to promote your product or services? 



Are you a web, graphic, or another designer? Do you create content for companies or brands?



Are you a consultant, freelancer, or 1099 employee? Or are you a company that hires consultants, freelancers, or other 1099 employees?

Social Media Manager

Do you manage clients’ social media accounts like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, or Pinterest?


Health coach? Life coach? Business coach? Manifestation coach? Another type of coach?



Are you an influencer or blogger who gets paid to endorse products or services from brands?


CHEERS to building & protecting your business!


Don’t know where to START?

Grab your free LEGAL START-UP Guide.

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